Discover the Top 10 Most Popular Perennials at Weaver Family Farms Nursery

If you’re looking to add some beautiful and long-lasting plants to your garden, you might want to consider perennials. These are plants that come back year after year, often becoming fuller and more beautiful with each season. Here are the top 10 most popular perennials that you can find at

  1. Daylilies – These hardy flowers come in a variety of colors and sizes and bloom all summer long.
  2. Hostas – Known for their lush foliage, hostas come in a wide range of sizes and can add a lush look to any garden.
  3. Coneflowers – These cheerful flowers are easy to grow and attract butterflies and bees to the garden.
  4. Black-eyed Susans – These bright yellow flowers with dark centers are a classic addition to any garden.
  5. Peonies – With their large, fragrant blooms, peonies are a favorite of many gardeners.
  6. Sedum – These succulent plants come in many varieties and are perfect for hot, dry areas of the garden.
  7. Salvia – These vibrant flowers come in shades of blue, purple, pink, and red and attract hummingbirds and butterflies.
  8. Dianthus – With their fragrant, frilly blooms, dianthus are a great addition to any garden.
  9. Lavender – This fragrant herb is known for its calming properties and beautiful purple blooms.
  10. Coreopsis – These bright yellow flowers are easy to grow and add a pop of color to any garden.

Another popular plant not on this list is bleeding hearts, check out this picture!

Discover the Top 10 Most Popular Perennials at Weaver Family Farms Nursery, Buy Trees For Sale

If you’re looking for these or other popular perennials, be sure to visit Their selection of high-quality plants is sure to meet all of your gardening needs.

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